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My autumn fashion

Even though the days are still quite sunny, autumn has started. That means that it is time to shop some new outfits! I myself really love autumn fashion. It's that time of the year when it is not too cold, so you can still look cute without walking around like a penguin packed in sweaters and scarfs.

To give you some inspiration, I am showing you three of my favourite outfits that I am wearing this season.

Outfit 1.

This outfit is quite basic (like most of my outfits), but I think it looks really cool. I especially love the trousers for their colour and their wide legs. I bought them at Bershka's. I like to match them with a nice turtleneck sweater. You can buy these turtleneck sweaters basically everywhere, but I bought mine at CoolCat (like 3 years ago, but it still looks good). The belt is one of my favourite accessoires, so I wear it basically with every outfit. I bought it at The boots are from 'van Haren', but there are many in that style to be found!

Outfit 2.

Normally I don't wear skirts (like casually), but this one was so cute, that I had to buy it! It's a dark blue velvet skirt with buttons on the front (and a zipper on the side, so no worries about popping buttons and accidentally flashing people. They are secured!). I bought the skirt at Costes, together with the super comfy knitted orange sweater. It is so unbelievably soft and not itchy at all! I just love how the colours are contrasting. It's a perfect outfit for a sunny autumn day. So, in case of a sunny day: get your legs out!

Outfit 3.

This outfit is quite different from the other ones I showed you so far, but I love it so much! I got the inspiration for the outfit because I saw one of the Kardashians (I believe), wearing something in that vibe. I liked it so much that I immediately bought trousers that looked alike (but in more in my own style) at ASOS. You can open and closes the buttons as you want, so you can adjust it to any type of autumn weather! The sweater that I'm wearing is that basic turtleneck I talked about earlier. The trousers are also really cool paired up with fishnets!

I hope you guys enjoyed my outfits and maybe got some inspiration to start shopping! This Friday, a new post will be up with my second video! Make sure to watch it!

Xo Nath

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