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A day in a Ghost Town

My latest video has been online for a while now, for the people who might have payed close attention (or the ones that I haunted down with the youtube-link), but I haven't had to time to put it on my blog. But here it finally is!

We shot this video after we visited the Land of Ever. We drove to Belgium, where Doel is. The way that leads to the town was already really abandoned. The town is surrounded by an enormous industrial area. It felt a little bit scary because there is basically no sign of living around the town. The drive was really awesome though and we had a lot of fun.

The town gives you really cool chills when you are walking there and there is a lot to explore. We actually did not have enough time to see everything and shoot everything we wanted! The graffiti art in the town is really cool and there are some real artworks there! It is definitely a nice adventure to just go there and explore the place. (and if not, just watch my video over and over again ;) ! )

Xo Nath

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